Saturday, June 12, 2010

Blue sky mining

Below is the article that has prompted me to create this blog.

"Richard Branson has set up his own “war room” to do battle with global warming.59 The battalions he wants to mobilise on “the path to victory” are successful entrepreneurs — like himself—and their weapons are “market driven solutions to climate change”. It's a shiny new business model to save the planet. The Carbon War Room—where inspirational quotes from Richard Branson are mixed in with those of other titans like Churchill, Roosevelt and Einstein—represents the type of rich man’s folly common amongst modern entrepreneurs with a Messiah complex.

Branson’s War Room site links to a paper co-authored by Lee Lane of the American
Enterprise Institute, published by the centre run by “skeptical environmentalist” Bjorn Lomborg. The paper concludes that the benefits of geoengineering vastly outweigh the costs and shows how to set an optimal temperature for the Earth for the next two hundred years. The authors write that ethical objections from environmental advocacy groups may present an obstacle to the deployment of solar radiation management, before noting with relief: “In reality, important economies remain largely beyond the influence of environmental advocacy groups.”60 They expect that deployment of solar radiation management will be led by nations with weak environmental lobbies — which of course means dictatorships"

I should point out that what they mean by "geo-engineering" and "solar radiation management" is pumping sulfur aerosols into the upper atmosphere. Aside from god-know how many other side effects, this would turn the sky from blue to white and turn the oceans to acid.

Who the fuck wants to live in a world with a white sky and no sunshine just so that people like Richard Branson can keep profiting from carbon?

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